Tuesday 24 April 2012

Day 5 - Kinlochleven to Fort William

Normal service has been resumed!

Woke up this morning to the sound of heavy rain, and realised we were finally going to have to deal with the real WHW experience, instead of the Disneyland style, 'wrapped in cotton wool' version we had benefited from up until then. The waterproofs were dug out from the bottom of the rucksack and the long process of dressing appropriately began.

Breakfast however, lifted our spirits. One word covers it: sumptuous!

The wind and driving rain made the 2 mile climb out of Kinlochleven hard work, but we could console ourselves that this was the last leg and each mile under our belt meant we were so much closer to our final destination. The weather finally settled down and the walking became quite pleasant allowing to settle into a steady pace. The route itself was uneventful, other than bumping into numerous other walkers we'd met previously along the way - all happy to be on their last day too.

A cloud covered Ben Nevis loomed large ahead of us and gave us an idea of how far we still had to go, and it wasn't long before we could see Fort William nestling in the glen below.

Once in the town we had to simply follow the thistle signs (although they were scarce) and walk along busy trunk roads and through soulless 60s shopping centres before finally stumbling across a rather underwhelming finish point where a statue of a walker rubbing his sore feet was the focal point for photos.

The weather however, had improved dramatically and the sun was bright and warm again.

Handshakes and photos all round, then it was off for a celebratory pint.

We are now recovering in the B&B, and are planning a bar supper and a few pints followed by the Manc derby on TV. With the prospect of a long lie tomorrow, this could get messy. Very messy!

The Top Performer of the Day award for today is, of course, split four ways!

An honourable mention  must go to Macs Adventure who took all the stress away from us with regard to organising the whole trip, and who truly excelled in their choice of accomodation - always close to the route, and always clean, welcoming and very accommodating. The baggage service worked like clockwork too! My only complaint would be that even after the last five days effort, I seem to have put on a little weight - more than likely due to the magnificent breakfasts we've been indulging in!

Thanks to my walking buddies for putting up with me for the last 5 days, and thanks to those of you that have taken the trouble to read the blog.

I'm off for a long hot shower!

WHW April 2012 Stats:
  • Miles walked: 95
  • Average miles walked per day: 19
  • Most miles per day: 22 (Day 2)
  • Least miles per day: 14 (Day 5)
  • Blisters: 2 (that are being admitted to)
  • Sunburnt baldy heads: 3
  • Ruined pairs of Hush Puppies: 1
  • Flasks of pansy fruit tea: 2
  • Flasks of macho coffee: 3
  • Beers sunk: classified
  • Breakfasts pilfered for lunch: 2
  • Sleepless nights due to snoring: 5 (shared evenly between Jubbo and Gibbo)
  • Number of tired, but satisfied walkers: 4
Normal service has been resumed!
Dressed for the occasion
Not the best of days - not far to go though....
Fort William (and the end) in sight.
95 miles later.....

Flat oot!

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