Tuesday 24 April 2012

Day 1 - Milngavie to Balmaha

WHW April 2012

Main protagonists:
  • Myself
  • Colin Gibson
  • Paul Webster
  • Mark Jubb

Traditionally, your first act in embarking on the West Highland Way is to have you photo taken at the start point, so Jubbo, Gibbo, Webbo and ....er.... Gus-oh... duly obliged (see below).

After the formalities we set off in fine fettle, ready for the challenge ahead. The weather turned out to be a bit of a mixed bag, but much better the the dire forecasts that Mark and Paul were dramatically tossing around in the pub the night before.

Squally showers in the morning saw us through to Drymen, but after then, the weather improved dramatically - as did the scenery.

As last night's jalapeƱo peppers worked their way through Colin's system, he was consigned to the rear of the group for the sale of all mankind. Mark's mobile phone was persistent in it's need for attention - much to the annoyance of the rest of the troop, and I'll be surprised if it's gets beyond Loch Lomond without being smashed to smithereens.

However, mobile phones aside we settled into a steady pace and were soon treated with some fantastic scenery as Loch Lomond opened up in front of us.

Lunch was taken in the shelter of the forests North of Drymen, with The Jubberoo becoming more 'at one with nature' than the rest of us (see very relaxed photo below). My flask of fruit tea seemed to cause much merriment, but all of my fellow walkers were most definitely eyeing the steaming brew with some envy.

Oak Tree Inn in Balmaha tonight - and very nice it is too! Log fire and beer on the menu I reckon.

A 22 miler in front of us tomorrow, mostly flat as we hug the shore of the loch - and the forecast is good. Mind you, after today, that means zip!

Gus-oh, Gibbo, Webbo and Jubbo
Looking towards Drymen

Heading towards Dumgoyne

At one with nature

Loch Lomond
Moe, Larry and Curly
Weather improves

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