Tuesday 24 April 2012

Day 3 - Inverarnan to Inveroran

While we were delighted with yesterday's warm sunshine, we were simply stunned by today's weather which was even better. Setting off just after breakfast (no pilfering this time) and still feeling the heaviness in our legs from yesterday's exertions we were soon easing ourselves into a very leisurely pace, stopping at every opportunity for photos.

The scenery we encountered today was simply stunning, with the glorious weather showing the mountains at their very best - the bright blue skies contrasting starkly with the dusting of snow on the peaks.

Ben More and and Ben Dorain were just two of many highlights throughout the day.

Ben More was viewed firstly across Crianlarich, and then in all it's glory from the ruins of St Fillans Priory near Tyndrum.

We later skirted Ben Dorain on the approach to Bridge of Orchy towards the end of today's walking.

Both feature in the snaps at the bottom of this spiel with a string of walkers (in this case, Jubbo, Gibbo and Webbo - from back to front) making their way past the conical Ben Dorain, probably being THE iconic WHW photo that features in all the brochures.

Anyhoo, onto more mundane matters.....

Having suffered the sniggering of the previous two days, I upgraded the contents of my flask from fruit tea to far more macho coffee. This seemed to generate a grudging approval from my colleagues, and they even let me join in on their man-talk, talking about man-things. Even if I did have to occasionally nod and pretend to know what they were on about, I appreciated the inclusion.

Sticking with the mundane, I feel the need to explain the sleeping arrangements! We have - metaphorically speaking - put all our snoring eggs in one basket, with Messrs Jubb and Gibson sharing a room. This leads to some rather amusing jockeying for position as we finish up the last ale of the evening, as the two of them desperately attempt to be first in bed and asleep, therefore keeping the other awake all night.

I believe the score is currently 1-1.

However, Jubby assures me that a great cure for snoring is a walking boot thrown at the perpetrator's head from close quarters. Colin concurs.

Finally, top performer of the day (in that I kept up with Hush-Puppy boy) goes to yours truly - which proves that fruit tea is indeed for pansies, and coffee ROCKS!

A mere 19 miles tomorrow (Inverornan to Kinlochleven) across Rannoch Moor - piece of cake! (allegedly).

Full of beans!

Not so full of beans!

Ben More
Skirting Ben Dorain
Take your pick


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